Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum Therapy in Toronto
Pregnancy is a major event in the life of a woman who is expecting. However, some women experience psychological and emotional challenges, which make coping with pregnancy or coping with childbirth overwhelming. Here is a guide to identifying signs of psychological problems during pregnancy and what you can do to get the help you need with counselling to help you deal with pregnancy or childbirth concerns.
Prepare for Childbirth with Counselling
A therapist is specially trained to help you deal with your emotional challenges. Receiving counselling to prepare for childbirth and deal with childbirth concerns may help you in successfully coping with childbirth, thereby improving the outcome of childbirth as well as your mood after birth. Couples therapy is ideal if you are having relationship problems. Otherwise, you may do best with individual therapy. Group therapy is also an important option for new mothers and especially those who feel socially isolated.
Psychological problems can interfere with your ability to function at work and at home and to handle stress effectively during your pregnancy. Emotional health affects physical health and vice-versa. If you are encountering emotional challenges and fears in coping with childbirth, know that you are not alone.
Sure, it is very common to feel emotional, nervous, and concerned while coping with pregnancy. But with extreme psychological distress, it’s important to seek pregnancy help. The transition to motherhood is a crucial period to make changes before your new life begins.
What Pregnancy Help Can Do For You
Receiving therapy to help you in your pregnancy may improve your emotional and physical well-being and hence your ability to cope and to even enjoy the experience. Our therapists commonly use psychodynamic therapy. However, you may also get a referral for other therapy methods.
Psychological Pregnancy Problems
In the second and third trimester, increasing hormonal, physical and emotional changes may leave you feeling depressed. Expecting women who experience challenges such as financial stress, unhappiness with paternal support, or who had an unplanned pregnancy are more vulnerable to depression. Those women who already have depression may have a worsening of symptoms. Some symptoms are:
- Ongoing exhaustion or desire for sleep
- A lack of interest or motivation in typical hobbies and daily activities
- A lower sense of self-esteem or a deep sadness
- Insomnia
- Frequent bouts of crying
- Frequently not feeling hungry or not eating regularly
Managing depression is important so that you can be successful in emotionally coping with pregnancy. The physical aspect is just as important since fatigue during the last trimester increases the need for a cesarian section.