Self Esteem Help: Counselling & Therapy in Toronto

Coping with Self-Esteem Issues

Self-esteem, the self-evaluation of a person’s own competence, involves the accepting and approving of one’s own characteristics, and greatly impacts individuals’ attitudes, emotional experiences, future behavior, and long-term psychological adjustment. It actually influences the way in which each person experiences his/her world and his/her aspirations and decisions to be made during important life moments — such as the choice of occupation and life partner, his/her functioning in the workplace, and decisions to take certain risks to protect himself/herself against unnecessary threats.

Stressed man

If you’re looking for a therapist with specific expertise in the treatment of low self-esteem, our therapists at PRS Toronto will find the best approach to help you. Browse our directory to begin the counseling process.

man looking in the mirror
stressed woman

Therapy For Self Esteem

Low self-esteem, and the problems which arise from it, often causes the basic problems leading to psychopathology. A low or negative self-esteem and related conditions form part of the root problems, which should be addressed by the psychotherapist. In psychotherapy, a patient’s self-esteem is not treated in isolation, rather, the “whole self,” including self-esteem, is treated. Related concepts such as “self-image,” “self-concept,” “self-understanding,” the “ideal self,” “body image,” “self-presentation,” and “self-actualization” are involved in the process within the context of a particular patient’s emotional problems, his/her expectations of therapy, and his/her personal history.

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