Psychotherapy Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Frequently Asked Questions
OHIP does not cover psychotherapy. Your employer or extended health plan may provide partial reimbursement. Our Therapists typically charge $100 to $200 per hour, and may or may not include HST.
If you choose to go through our referral service (as opposed to self serve), there is an administrative charge of $100 for your initial interview. Again, your insurance plan may provide reimbursement for this.
Our fees are tax deductible.
Psychotherapy can help you take charge of your life and deal with daily problems in a more effective way. With your therapist you will be working towards feeling stronger, happier, and having greater control in the choices you make. Psychotherapy is a healing as well as a learning process.
Psychotherapy provides a place to safely explore whatever is troubling you. It offers a place to express your fears and anxieties and to strengthen your emotional responses to them. It can help you deal with daily problems so you can take charge of your life.
As a result of therapy, you may feel less alone, less victimized, and more able to cope with life. You may even be encouraged to express yourself more creatively and confidently.
Psychotherapy encourages you to deal with daily problems in new and more functional ways. Sessions involve you and your therapist usually meeting once a week in a private office for about an hour. Typically, you sit opposite each other and begin a conversation about your life and the challenges you are experiencing.
Some people come with very specific problems or with the larger purpose of, perhaps, understanding themselves better, of finding their true selves, or of freeing up energy for living more fully. (This work takes time, sometimes months, often longer.) Others may not articulate a specific situation, but express a feeling – or lack of feeling – that is impacting their well being negatively.
In general, any situation that feels painful, limiting and unsatisfying. This can include:
- Compulsions
- Addictions
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Trauma
- & more
They are as different as the people who seek it. Some feel life is unfulfilling. Some want to add depth to their life. Many are experiencing emotional pain. Whenever you feel that life should be better, you can’t cope, or can’t go on, it’s a sign that psychotherapy can be of assistance. To see a full list of what our therapists can assist you with, click here.
We at PRS define online therapy as the opportunity to meet with your therapist ‘face-to-face” on a platform such as zoom.
At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our whole community of therapists had to adapt very quickly in order to be able to safely treat our clients. We all shared concerns about therapeutic outcomes when we were not able to meet our clients in person.
Now, years after this necessary shift, we are all amazed at how well online therapy works – to the degree that some of our members have permanently shifted to an online-only practice. Most therapists here at PRS plan to carry on with a hybrid practice in order to be able to offer online or in-person sessions, as best suits each client.
To learn more about PRS, click here.